Penelope’s Peace Place


Penelope’s Peace Place by Lolisa Monroe is now at the Weld Public Library. A finalist for a Next Generation Indie Book Award, and another excellent children’s book available by her at the library. A delightful children’s book that describes the story of Penelope, an inquisitive Prairie Dog. Penelope embarks on a journey to find her “peace place” and learns a special lesson along the way.

Lolisa Monroe is an award-winning author who shares her love for children and animals in delightful and timeless books for children. Her tales entertain while fostering acceptance and inclusion in the most curious places. Her dream is to put little books in little hands. Her other children’s titles include Diego the Donkey and The Kitten That Could Not Meow.

Formerly a Weld resident and key person for promoting children’s activities at the library, she now lives in Melbourne, Florida with her husband, Scott. You can find her behind her camera lens, writing new children’s tales, or in the kitchen preparing meals for her husband and her upcoming cookbook.

Penelopes Peace Place

Grand Finale Summer Kids Reading Program

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On Thursday, August 8th at 10:00 am at the Mt. Blue State Park Nature Center, 187 Webb Beach Rd, Weld, ME 04285, The Weld Free Public Library will be holding the Grand Finale to the Wild Adventures Summer Reading Program!

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Free admission to the park, dress for outdoor play and hiking. There will be a fun scavenger hunt in the park!

Mt Blue State Park Nature Center