Solar Eclipse Viewing


You are cordially invited to join in on viewing the Solar Eclipse on Monday, April 8th at 3:00pm. You will be able to grab a pair of viewing glasses courtesy of the Weld Free Public Library, and watch it with us at the top of Center Hill near the Yurt at Mt. Blue State Park. Refreshments will be available.

A total solar eclipse takes place at the Moon’s ascending node between 3:24 to 3: 38pm, lasting approximately 2 minutes and 24 seconds in Maine, specifically Weld.

For more information: call the Weld Free Public Library at 585-2439 during open hours.

Printable Flyer Below:

Tumbledown Conservation Alliance

The Tumbledown Conservation Alliance has just launched a new website for their very important mission.

Please visit their new site to see the history of the organization and the amazing successes and impact of the project. Enjoy the stunning photos, extensive resources, important links, and the support and donation opportunities.

Tumbledown Brook Trail Announcement

The Bureau of Parks and Lands is applying for Land and Water Conservation Fund grant awards for repair of the lower part of the Brook Trail.

The Bureau needs letters of support from the community. Please help by following the directions in the attached letter pictured above. Public support is needed for the BPL to apply for LWCF grants.

Please help the BPL for this much needed project to insure the future sustainability of the popular and much used Tumbledown Brook Trail.

Please follow the instructions carefully. Printing and scanning can be done at the Weld Public Library.

Email your letter of support to: [email protected]

Winter Fun Day at Mt. Blue State Park, Saturday, Feb 3, 2024

Cross Country Skiing, Snowshoeing, and Ice Skating! Skis, Boots, and Skates will be available. Sliding and Tote Sled rides on Center Hill. Nature Displays and a Nature Walk at 11:00 AM. Guided History Tour, Winter Camping Display. Make S’Mores and enjoy Hot Chocolate and Coffee! Children under 12 are Free! 299 Center Hill Rd, see map below. Call 207-585-2261 for more information.

Winter Fun Day at Mt Blue State Park 2024

Conversation with Sportswriter Bob Ryan Saturday 9/9/23 4:00 PM

Bob Ryan

On Saturday, September 9th at 4:00 pm, legendary Boston Globe columnist and Hall of Fame sportswriter Bob Ryan will be at the Weld Town Hall for a casual conversation about the Boston Celtics, and his love of sports.

He has been described as “the quintessential American sportswriter” and a basketball guru, and is well known for his coverage of the sport including his famous stories covering the Boston Celtics in the 1970s.

Bob Ryan Weld Town Hall

Printable Flyer here.

Help Provide Art for the Library

Nancy Innes Art

The Weld Free Public Library is accepting donations to purchase this beautiful painting to hang in the Library. Please help us purchase this amazing piece so we can permanently display it for all to enjoy.

Stop by the library to see this wonderful piece and other amazing work by the artist! To help the library purchase this work, please visit the library or donate online on our donation page.

Think Local, Think Global

Ron Singer 2023

Readings by author RON SINGER

Thursday, August 24th, from 4:00-5:30 p.m.

Ron Singer will be reading from two books at the Weld Free Public Library. The readings will be followed by a question and answer session, refreshments, and book sales. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the library.

Norman’s Cousin & Other Writings (Unsolicited Press, Portland Oregon, June, 2023) is a selection of his writings from 1976-2023 set in Brooklyn and Manhattan.

Ngongo Chronicle is a recently completed novel about an assassination plot in an imagined East-Central African Country told from the points of view of the assassin and the targeted dictator.

Ron Singer is the author of 21 published books. “Think Local, Think Global” will feature the final installments from two trilogies, one of which collects work set in New York City and elsewhere, including Maine. The other books have African political themes, e.g. governance, war and exile. Ron has been summering in Weld for more than two decades. In 2020 and 2021, Ron collected, edited and published stories by older residents: Weld Tales, Long, Short & Tall (Akorin Books, 2021).

Contact Wendy Ames, Library Director, for more information (207)585-2439

Download Printable Flyer Here